of an eco-friendly alternative to
flame cremation and burial
of an eco-friendly alternative to
flame cremation and burial
Compassionate Care Aquamation is a fully functional, NYS licensed pet crematory just outside the Queens border in Oceanside NY, specializing in an eco-friendly method of disposition called Aquamation
Our organization is passionately committed to the pursuit of a better world through positive environmental change. We embrace better ideas that are smarter, more efficient and innovative providing the families we serve with advanced, game changing technologies in pet aftercare.
Our people are passionate about our corporate purpose and values. We believe in long term relationships with the families we serve and are committed to helping families heal during a very difficult time.
PET Cremation NYC | Serving the New York City Metro Area.
Creating New Life Through Aquamation
Aquamation vs. Fire Cremation for Pets
Aquamation is a gentle process that uses water instead of fire to return a pet back to mother nature.
That is an important distinction, because fire cremation produces carbon monoxide nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulphur dioxide (SO2) and volatile organic compounds (VOC); Particulate matter and fine dust: PM10 and PM2.5.
Aquamation is a gentle cremation process that uses water instead of fire to return a pet back to mother nature. It’s a gentler form of disposition for pets in contrast to the harshness of fire cremation, and on top of that, without question, Aquamation has the lowest environmental impact of all other aftercare pet options on the planet.
Aquamation uses water instead of fire to return a pet back to mother nature. It is the same process that occurs as part of nature’s course when a body is laid to rest in the soil, but instead of taking 3 months to 5 years or longer for a pet to return back into the earth, aquamation takes only 20 hours to complete.
There is no burning, no fire, no incineration, no smokestacks, no smoke, and no carbon dioxide spewed into the atmosphere. Through aquamation, there are no toxic emissions of greenhouse gasses released into the air that we all share and breathe. What a way for a pet family to honor their pet and provide families a way to turn their personal tragedy into a positive environmental impact.
With aquamation, a pet’s body is respectfully placed into a container that is then placed in a clean stainless steel vessel. A combination of gentle water flow, temperature and alkalinity are used to accelerate the natural process of tissue breakdown. All organic material is reduced to its most basic building blocks.
Unfortunately, some of our competition feel threatened by the environmental benefits of aquamation and erroneously deceive people that acid is used in the aquamation process. That is not true, aquamation uses a catalyst called alkali, which is the opposite of acid. Alkalis are made from sodium and potassium salts and is safe for the environment.
In fact, the alkalis used in the process are the same alkalis used in common cosmetic products, body washes, shaving cremes and food preparation. Go to any supermarket to purchase bottled water, many brands promote alkaline as an ingredient in their water. Alkaline is in our drinking water.
The only commonality aquamation has with fire cremation; After the process is over, what is left is the inorganic remains of the bone. That bone is then processed into a powder, placed inside an urn and returned to the family member.
BUT there are two distinct differences.
Aquamation is a gentle process over a 20 hour period, ensuring families will get all their pets ashes back, not just some of it. (watch aquamation vs. fire cremation video above)
Aquamation does not burn any fossil fuels. It is very energy efficient. It has greater than 90% energy savings and it is 1/10th the carbon footprint of flame cremation. It is the most eco-friendly method of disposition for pets on the planet.
(Carbon Footprint Definition) – The amount of carbon dioxide and other carbon compounds emitted into the atmosphere due to the consumption of fossil fuels such as coal, oil and gas. Fossil fuels are the known causes of greenhouse gases.
Through the aid of Aquamation, our proprietary methods have captured the rich organic liquid derived from the body of our pets to use as an effective fertilizer, allowing our pets to live on and create new life! Pet owners can now use the essence of their pet to fertilize an outdoor garden or to use indoors for potted plants. What a wonderful way for a pet family to honor their pet by creating new life!
A family’s pet doesn’t disappear into some dark hole of non-existence when they pass on!
The body of a pet makes for an excellent fertilizer, as this nutrient rich water completes the circle of life without any negative environmental impact.
Compare the magnificent direction we are taking vs. flame cremation, where fire destroys the potential for a pet to give back. Families value the positive environmental impact of the aquamation process.
This photo shows only one pass on grass. Everywhere you see that emerald green color is where we have passed with a land application of effluent. It’s impressive what potential this nutrient rich by- product of Aquamation can have on a planned run on an organized farm. A family’s pet could be a cherry tree or indoor potted plant by the window... or in the big picture where we are completely committed, used on organized farms to feed our planet.
The positive effect and potential of taking future animals into our care and producing a nutrient rich water that can be recycled back into our planet is breath taking. We are eliminating the process of sending carbon dioxide into the atmosphere and replacing it with the process of creating new life! What a wonderful way for a pet family to honor their pet! And furthermore, those families grieving their loss, we give them a way to turn their personal tragedy into a positive environmental impact.
Finally, Aquamation or the scientific term, Alkaline Hydrolysis, is not theory, New York families are already embracing the environmental benefits Aquamation offers. To prove this point, as of this paper, Compassionate Care has over 250+ perfect 5-star Google reviews from veterinarians and families alike. What a powerful statement families are making on a daily basis.
Right now, we are responsible for the well-being of our children and the world our younger generation will inherit from us. Today, it’s up to us to do what we can for the benefit of future generations. Help us shake the world!